Insert the above results into the following formula: (N.B.: If you are analyzing a household-only file, be sure to use REPWT1, REPWT2, etc.) After each set, record the statistic you are interested in.

First, run the analysis using REPWTP1, then again using REPWTP2, then again using REPWTP3, and so on up to the final set of replicate weights.

Replicate weights allow a single sample to simulate multiple samples, thus generating more informed standard error estimates that mimic the theoretical basis of standard errors while retaining all information about the complex sample design. Thus the true standard error of any characteristic calculated from a single sample can never be known with certainty sample standard errors are simply estimated. In theory, the standard error of an estimate measures the variation of a statistic across multiple samples of a given population. Why might I want to use replicate weights? These standard errors can then be used in hypothesis testing and in the construction of confidence intervals around the sample estimate of interest. In the CPS, there are 160 separate weights at the household and person levels that allow users to generate empirically derived standard error estimates. Replicate weights are currently available for the 2005-Onward Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) to the Current Population Survey.

How are the CPS replicate weights calculated?.
Can I simply divide the full sample into 160 random subsamples from the full sample and calculate replicate standard errors manually?.Is there any way to do this automatically in major statistical packages?.How do I obtain replicate standard errors from ASEC IPUMS-CPS data?.Does using replicate weights make any substantive difference?.Why might I want to use replicate weights?.Go Back to IPUMS-CPS Documentation Summary Replicate Weights in the Current Population Survey